Interested in volunteering with RAHH?
Great! RAHH accepts volunteers during all of our year-round events. We love working with our volunteers and inspiring the next generation of non-profit advocates. Reach out to us to get started!
Phone: 608-524-2522 or 608-963-8302
Email: reedsburgareahelpinghands@gmail.com
Local businesses can assume a special role with RAHH.
Becoming a business sponsor means a business will welcome community members to shop at their establishment, purchase items at their business that are then are placed in an RAHH donation box at that business. Business sponsors can make cash donations directly to RAHH. If you have any questions, would like to become a sponsor, or make a cash donation please reach out to us!
Phone: 608-524-2522 or 608-963-8302
Are you a high school student looking to fulfill your required community volunteer hours for graduation?
RAHH would love to help you fulfill that obligation and make a difference in your community! Please reach out to us to get started!
Phone: 608-524-2522 or 608-963-8302